Angels Adventures

Angels Adventures was originally an additional service, provided by Fitness Angels. Our adventures have been so popular, we've decided to offer more personalised training sessions, and more fun activities for our clients!

Angels Adventures organise regular, fun, group activities, incorporating fitness and social events. These adventures can be anything from kayaking, bush walking or rock climbing, to mountain biking and water sports, such as surfing or SUP boarding. Our Angels organise regular, fun group activities, locally, interstate and internationally!

Every year, Fitness Angels and Angels Adventures, team up to put together tough, yet fun charity challenges, fund raise money for charity, train for the event with your team and do something totally amazing, such as climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa (2012), trek the Great Wall of China, or walk 100km from the Hawksbury to Sydney. On a smaller scale, we run walk and breakfast clubs, run-clubs and small group training in Sydney.

Angels Adventures is for anyone and everyone! Each month, we will be taking suggestions on our Facebook page to help us decide what Adventures our Angels are up for. These are your adventures, so your suggestions and comments are welcome.

Keep up-to-date with the next adventure, big or small, by joining our Angels and getting involved.
